- WEEKLY CLEANSES3.5 days of cleansing each week for 7 consecutive weeks.
- EXTRACURRICULARDaily movement, grounding, reading & guided meditations.
- DIRECT SUPPORTPrivate members-only support group led by the Juice Boss.
- YOUR RESULTSYou will transform physically, energetically & spiritually.
The Results Are In

35 lbs lost
"This experience was beyond transformative."
Brian Jenkins

20 lbs lost
"This experience was beyond transformative."
Nikki Jenkins

40 lbs lost
"I went from 29 years old to 40 years young."
Nick Boskovich
Frequently Asked Questions
01. Is this 7 weeks of straight cleansing?
No! 😊 You will cleanse 3.5 days of each week, for 7 weeks straight.
02. Do I get all the products upfront?
You will receive your cleanses weekly, the day prior to starting each week. Each cleanse contains 3.5 days worth of products.
03. What do I do when I'm not cleansing?
You will receive detailed food guidelines with your program. Your intention during these days should be to eat a clean, whole foods diet, prioritizing produce, healthy fats & lean meats.
04. What results should I expect?
Results will vary person to person. But if you stick to the program, you will completely transform physically, energetically & spiritually!

Learn about Brian & Nikki’s Transformation